NoteTab Mailing List
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The NoteTab mailing list is a great place to meet other NoteTab users - friendly people from all walks of life, and ranging from complete beginners to experts. If you are a "newbie", ask some of the "old timers" some basic questions to help get you started. Also use this list to exchange ideas, share neat tips and tricks, ask questions, suggest new features, etc.

Although the list is not "owned" by the author of NoteTab (it was started and is maintained by Mr Jody Adair, a NoteTab "old timer"), he is an active participant and always tries to answer questions when he finds the time. He frequently sends out information about upgrades, fixes, and future plans for NoteTab. Features that you would like incorporated into NoteTab can be discussed on the list. He does take your suggestions into consideration and has already implemented quite a few made by list members. Also, many times he receives "problem reports" which are not problems at all with NoteTab; sending these to the list increases your chances of receiving a solution from other list members who have dealt with them before you.

You will find more information about the mailing lists and how to subscribe/sign-off on the following Web page: (main site)
(Swiss site)